Bone pain

Unlock Your Hip Flexors

Muscle" In
Your Body

The #1 muscle In Your Body that is the Key to Eliminating Joint & Back Pain, Anxiety and Looking Fat...
REVEALED! The 10 SIMPLE MOVES that will bring Vitality back into your life so that you can be strong, active, & energetic for yourself and loved ones.

  • Exactly how to target those hard-to-reach muscles with detailed, step-by-step walk-through videos of every single Key Move (Rick's simple, clear demonstration of these powerful moves will help them become second nature in no time).
  • The No.1 single most important element of human body posture and why your hips hold the key to peak performance (if this fails, your performance is drastically affected whether running, walking or even just standing).
  • The true impact of your body's “Mighty Muscle” and how it is really affecting your physical, emotional and spiritual well being (you'll be shocked how big an impact this has on your everyday life).

  • How your body's natural survival response has been tricked into permanent "danger" mode, and how you can switch it off to see faster fat loss and more energy (the reasoning behind this is crazy, but completely true).
  • The main causes for your psoas muscle to change structure, a major danger sign for your body (any change, however minimal, has an overwhelming impact that ripples across your body causing other muscle groups to compensate).
  • Why you're just as likely to be affected by this problem if you're a balls-to-the-wall gym rat training 24/7 or a couch potato.
  • Why, if you have a desk job or drive a car for long periods, you need to act NOW.
  • The shocking reason your intense core workouts could be doing more harm than good if you haven't loosened your hips first (and why crunches and sit-ups won’t do a thing to help).
  • Why strong legs and glutes are important to your overall heath and why you need to prevent too much flexion of your hips.
  • How trauma, injury and stress can build up within your posture and how it will ultimately affect your psychological state.
  • Why the "cure" isn't simply to stop sitting (you need to be more pro-active in targeting the muscles affected to undo the damage from sitting all day).

  • Why the damage is most likely ALREADY done and exactly what you need to do to redress those deep-seeded imbalances before the damage becomes permanent (if this doesn't kick you into action, nothing will…)
  • Why "comfort" and "support" are the enemies of our natural physiology and how we can start to move back towards our natural posture (forget pillows, support cushions and belts.)
  • How tight hips affect your sexual performance through decreased blood flow and circulation and what you can do about it right now to achieve peak sexual health again.
  • Why some guys end up with "old-guy butt syndrome" that isn't sexy but also inevitably leads to hip pain and how to avoid it by loosening the hips.
  • The 2 situations you NEED to be aware of when training your glutes to ensure they're properly activated for maximum athletic performance.
  • How to clear your mind and re-energize your thinking simply through learning how to relax your psoas muscle (this alone will help you wipe stress from your mind in an instant).
    Plus much more…

What are you waiting for the best solution now in your hands to get rid of all the pain you feel by click on Learn more to get the full course for free.

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Unlock Your Hip Flexors - The "Hidden Survival Muscle" In Your Body
The world's first solution, to solve all the pain

Unlock Your
Hip flexors

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